How to Pause Your Buffer Feed in an Emergency

By Lyndal Cairns

It’s 6am and your alarm rouses you for another day. But as you wake up, you notice a news alert about a mass shooting that’s taken place earlier today. You need to pause your company’s scheduled Twitter posts – and fast.

Songs to Inspire Your Hustle

By Lyndal Cairns

Small business is hard – the isolation, the rejection and the weight of the risk that is on your shoulders to bear. But you’re not alone, even if you are literally alone.

Recruiting? You’re Doing it Wrong.

By Lyndal Cairns

We live in a capitalist economy and that means people work for money. We managers know that, we are doing it ourselves. And yet, we feel entitled to mess with people’s lives every time we have a new job opening? Bullshit.