San Francisco Uncubed

I’ve added Twitter handles where appropriate for the #SFuncubed event. For speakers that have no work Twitter handle, I’ve used the handles for their organization. – @LyndalCairns

Skills track

9am: How to Build Learnable Apps that Users Love at First Sight

Adam Kenney @AdamRKenney (

10am: How to go from Selling Yourself to a Startup to Selling for a Startup

Tarek Pertew @tarekp (founder @wakefield, creator @getuncubed)

11am: Mission Impossible: How to Migrate Your Tech Stack Without Huge Sacrifices

Mason Blake @mase (cofounder @upcounsel)

Noon: 5 Things the Live Events Industry Can Learn from Amazon

Kristina Wallender @kwallender (VP marketing @ticketfly)

1pm: Artisanal to Mechanized: Building out Data Storage and Networks from a Small Startup to an 80 Million User Infrastructure

Alexei Rodriguez @alexeirrm (head of ops @evernote)


3pm: Cryptic Code

John MacIlwaine (CTO @LendingClub)

Vish Ishaya (CTO @nebulainc)

Reuben Katz @rekatz (founder @gklst)


4pm: The Electric Locomotive

Kerry Cooper (CEO @ChooseEnergy)

Nick Shah @aniketkshah (cofounder @Ampush)

Danae Ringelmann @gogoDanae (cofounder @Indiegogo)


5pm: What’s Changed

Rob Salvatore @RobSalvi and Matthew Blosl @mjblosl (both of @tongal)

Sherry Pulvers @spulvers (VP of people and places @SugarCRM)

Rowan Gormley @rowbags (CEO @NakedWines)


Corrections, questions and thank-you chocolate to @LyndalCairns.