Starting from scratch
While I’d redeveloped a number of websites in my time, I’ve never started from nothing before I launched this site last August. This was my process.
While I’d redeveloped a number of websites in my time, I’ve never started from nothing before I launched this site last August. This was my process.
Engaging volunteers sounds like a no-brainer. Someone wants to work – for free – at your organization. But nonprofits are finding that the changing nature of work, volunteer demographics and nonprofit competition are making it difficult for them to run a successful volunteer program.
Oh, that hurt. I have Americanized my website, swapping esses for zees, swapping licence for license and removing that all-important letter u from color.
For most of us, the word curry is synonymous with Indian food. We think of them as hot and spicy, and we might recall some of our favorites – like chicken tikka masala. But almost everything we think we know about curry is wrong.
They say home is where the heart is but what exactly makes a home? And what is the psychology of what happens to those of us who leave our home in the name of love, career or adventure?
We may not agree on how much or what it should look like but I think we all know everyone deserves a bit of mercy. I wonder what makes us forgive each other, and where do we draw the line?